The President of Silk Council
Lifang Dong

President of Silk Council, Founder & Managing Partner, the 1st Italian lawyer of Chinese heritage, legal counsel of many Associations in China, Singapore, Taiwan,Malaysia, Italy etc. Legal counsel of China State Council's China Overseas Office (i.e. Chinese Government) for Italy in Europe, Legal counsel of Embassy of People's Republic of China in Italy.
Founder of Dong & Partners International Law Firm, the 1st Italian lawyer of Chinese heritage in Italy
The only Chinese Italian lawyer selected worldwide by China State Council's Chinese Overseas Office (i.e. Chinese Government) as legal counsel
Legal counsel of the Legal Advisory Committee of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC) for Italy
Legal counsel of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Italy
Representative Member for Italy of the 5th World Conference of Chinese Overseas Friendship Association
The only Chinese Italian lawyer selected globally as Representative Member for Italy of the Chinese Judicial Studies Association (CJSA), founded by the China Supreme People's Court
Member of Mediation of Civil and Commercial Disputes Commission in Italy (under the People's Court of Zhejiang Province)
Chief Representative of Wenzhou International Arbitration Center in Rome;
Legal counsel of Italy Chinese Center Help Center in Rome, recognised by China State Council's Chinese Overseas Office
Member of Wenzhou City Talented Foreign Lawyers Committee (Zhejiang Province)
Representative for Italy and Member of the 1st Overseas Chinese Lawyers' Delegation, selected by China State Council's Chinese Overseas Office
Member of the 9th and 10th Discovery Trip to China for Eminent Young Overseas Chinese, selected by China State Council's Chinese Overseas Office
Member of the Silk Road Culture Society of Taiwan
ltalian law expert of the Malaysia-China Legal Cooperation Society
Representative in Italy of the Global Collaborative Network of the Singapore Huayuan Association in Singapore
The 1st Chinese origin Member of the former Task Force China of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (One Belt One Road)
Arbitrator at the Chinese European Arbitration Centre (CEAC)
Member of International and European Law Committee of Rome Bar Association
Legal counsel of Chinese Associations in Europe and in Asia
Lecturer for Italian and foreign universities and business schools in various topics
Opinion maker for national and international media on legal, economical, geopolitical, cultural and social-integration issues
Tel. +39-06-916505710
Fax +39-06-91712689
What's app/We chat:
+39 333 7329573
Web site: www.silkcouncil.org
Read more: Anna Lifang Dong Linkedin
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